Essay Contest Rules
2024 Farm-City Theme: Our Community Counts on Farmers
Eligibility and Rules
Division I - open to all students in grades 7 – 9.
Division II - open to all students in grades 10 – 12.
First- and second-place winners will be named.
Essays must relate to the theme. The name of the theme must be stated in the essay.
Each student is required to complete the information form and attach it to the essay entry.
All entries will be judged first at the county Farm-City committee level with the first-place winner in each county being submitted to the State Farm-City Committee. One entry per division, per county may be submitted for judging at the state level.
Criteria: Essay should be 500–1000 words, neatly typed, and double-spaced, on 8 ½ x 11, white paper. They will be judged on:
Topic Sentence
Adherence to theme
Accuracy of information
Supporting details
Reader Appeal
b. Mechanics
Sentence Structure
Flow of material
Deadline for entry at the state level is January 31, 2025. State winners will be notified by mail no later than March 1, 2025. Award winners will be announced at the state 2025 Farm-City Awards Luncheon and Program.
All entries may be used at the discretion of the Ag in the Classroom Steering Committee and Farm-City Committee of Alabama without further permission or monetary consideration.
Awards in Each Category
1st PLACE: $300 Cash
Student's Classroom: $300 Cash
2nd PLACE: $200 Cash
Student's Classroom: $200 Cash
For further information, contact your local Farm-City Committee or the State Farm-City Committee at 1(800)392-5705 or 1(334)613-4410. E-mail: thood@alfafarmers.org. Fax: 1(334)284-3957. Mailing address: Alabama Farmers Federation, Attn: Tanner Hood, P.O. Box 11000, Montgomery, AL 36191.